Q: What types of massages do you offer?

A: Your session will be customized by your therapist based on your needs typically using a variety of techniques, combining all of their skill and training to be as effective as possible.

Q: Is my therapist licensed?

A: Absolutely! All of our therapists are not only licensed but normally have training far beyond what
it takes to get licensed.

Q: Do you do pregnancy massages?

A: Yes! In fact we have a pregnancy pillow that allows you to lay face down comfortably even at
the later stages of your pregnancy.

Q: What should I wear?

A: Your comfort level is of the utmost importance at all times! That being said, many clients
undress completely (you are fully covered at all times) or leave undergarments on, but as
always it is completely up to you and your comfort level.

Q: What type of pressure is best?

A: Typically the most effective pressure is when it “hurts but still feels good”, we call that riding the
pleasure/pain border. You don’t want actual pain where your body is tightening up or fighting
back, nor do you want it too light as be ineffective. This pleasure/pain border is different for everyone so be sure to communicate with your therapist to find just the right pressure for you.

Q: Can I request a male or female therapist?

A: Definitely! As a rule we do not ask because all our therapists are very professional, but if you are more comfortable with male of female then we will absolutely accommodate your needs.

Q: Should I eat/drink before or after my massage?

A:We recommend that you not eat a big meal immediately prior to your session with no restrictions after. It is always a good idea to be well hydrated prior to your session and definitely drink
plenty of water after! Half your body weight in ounces is a great goal to shoot for every day!

Q: Can I workout before/after?

A:Neither is a problem! Although waiting an hour or so after your session gives your muscles time to “wake up” and be better prepared for a workout. There are specific sports related techniques
that are designed to prepare your muscles for an event or workout, if that is something you are

Q: Do you charge more for more advanced techniques such as Deep Tissue, Shiatsu, Sports Massage etc?

A: No! Since we strive to offer the most effective massage at the most affordable rates our rates never change (except for different session lengths) regardless of which techniques are incorporated.

Q: Do you make house calls?

A: Yes, with at least a one-hour minimum. 2 hour minimum required if more than 5 miles away from our location.

Q: Do you take walk-ins?

A: Yes. We can usually accommodate walk-ins. We do recommend you make an appointment in advance, even if it is the same day to minimize any wait time or inconvenience.

Q: What is the difference between chair and table massage?

A: Chair Massage focuses strictly on the upper body without the use of oil or lotion. It is quick, convenient and effective for any neck, shoulder, arms or upper back pain. Table Massage gives your therapist the ability to work on the entire body. The sessions are typically longer which allows for more focused attention on any problem areas.

Q: Are the therapists licensed and/or certified?

A: Most definitely! We maintain the highest standards when bringing therapists on staff. Not only do we require a high level of training (far beyond what is required for licensing) but they are also tried, tested and approved by the owner and senior level staff. Training alone does not guarantee high quality massage!


Q: What should I wear?

A: Loose fitting or workout clothes are best as your body needs to be able to move freely.

Q: What if I’m not flexible, on the older side or have an injury?

A: Then you are a prime candidate and need this treatment the most! We always work to the level
of your body’s ability and discuss any limitations or injuries before the session.

Q: Will it hurt?

A: There may be slight discomfort but similar to massage riding the pleasure/pain border where it
“hurts but still feels good” is ideal.

Q: Should I eat/drink before or after my massage?

A:We recommend that you not eat a big meal immediately prior to your session with no restrictions
after. It is always a good idea to be well hydrated prior to your session and definitely drink
plenty of water after! Half your body weight in ounces is a great goal to shoot for every day!

Q: Can I workout before/after?

A:Totally up to you! Neither is a problem and either way it will enhance the benefits of your


Q: What should I wear?

A: Loose comfortable clothes with as much skin exposed as possible is best. Tank top, shorts or
sports bra are great options but we do also provide towels for your discretion and comfort or if
you don’t have the appropriate clothing on.

Q: How hot is it?

A: Its’ effectiveness comes from the Full Spectrum Infrared lights so unlike a traditional sauna that can reach upwards of 180 degrees fahrenheit our sauna is a comfortable 125 – 145 degrees
allowing you to relax for up to 45 minutes without overheating

Q: How long do I stay in?

A: Depending on which session you choose you are typically in from 30-40 minutes but of course
you can come out whenever you are ready.